Thursday, November 13, 2008

Barack Obama VS. John McCain

...and the winner is BARACK OBAMA! The 56th election was held on Tuesday, November 4, 2008. Barack's home state was Illinois, and he was part of the Democratic party. "Together we can change" was a familiar line he used during his campaign. He won 365 to 162. Obama is good for the US, promoting change. He really wants to make an impression on the country, and has started to internationally already. Only time will tell how successful he will be for the U.S., and i am interested in seeing what the next few years will have in store with him leading out neighbours.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

On Line Journalism

Chapter 7 - Hooking and Keeping Readers
- "so what?" is the what you have to ask yourself before writing, your piece needs to be interesting for the reader.
- Grab the readers attention, with the lead paragraph and bold your writing.
- Inverted pyramid is the technique used to arrange facts in a descending order from most important to least.
- who, what, when, where, why and how... in that order, are important for a journalism piece.
- Make your story newsworthy - timeliness, proximity, prominence, impact, currency, conflict, oddity.
- Make links on online pieces, so that if the reader is interested they can further their reading, and on websites having it on the front page, so that you can get more readers.
- Headlines draw attention, use them appropriately and to get the readers hooked, and first interested.
- Use English literary devices, to gain attention in feature leads, such as onomatopoeia, alliteration and colloquialism.
- Have your facts organized, and present in an interesting way.
- Use quotes.
- Organize information in a way that explains the story to the reader, whether through facts or through storytelling elements.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

On the Cusp of Tomorrow - Steve Klein

I just read the article On the Cusp of Tomorrow by Steve Klein. The article is on journalists and keeping their jobs in the future because of the changing technology and the fact that print news is slowly fading. Their are new ways of finding the news such as online and podcasts and online videos. These sources can be updated in a matter of seconds wither your updating a video from your phone onto the computer or writing a blog online and putting your opinion out their on news. As well online news can be up to the minute, and have articles put up right away, so people can learn the news as it happens on television or online instead of waiting for the news paper the next morning. Either way though, the news is the news, wether you learn it as it's happening or the next day. Steve Klein was worried about print journalists losing their jobs, I don't see that happening any time soon.

Monday, September 8, 2008


...and so it begins,
cougar sports have begun for the year, with a big start to fall sports. Teams have started to be made, and all the fall sports teams have started their try outs, or have commenced their practicing as a team. All of CB's athletes are pumped for the start of their seasons, and are excited to play. CB has some fierce competitors and really want to get their seasons underway so that they can start their OFSAA voyage, we hope.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Colonel By Sports

Many of this year's Colonel By students plan on being very successful in their sports. There are many rumors going around of CB sports having some OFSAA chances. Students are feeling quite confident, only a couple days into the school year. There are numerous try outs starting this week such as Sr. Boys volleyball, Sr. Boys soccer, Sr. Girls basketball, Jr. Girls basketball, Varsity tennis and Cross country running. As well their have been interest meetings, and information meetings for Golf and Guys Varsity Football. As a student athlete at CB I hear some bragging and some confidence towards the Sr. Boys soccer team and their OFSAA hope. These are just some of the fall sports that CB offers. This year we are hoping for lots of student support at home games to cheer on our CB athletes through their fall sports. So come out and support our CB athletes!